Mark your calendars! We are thrilled to announce that the 5th edition of the Brain Innovation Days will take place on 15 & 16 of October 2025 at La Tricoterie in Brussels.

With the mission of bringing the brain ecosystem together to exchange knowledge and accelerate investment in research and innovation, key players and experts in the brain space will be able to connect through a networking-friendly programme and innovation showcasing.

Stay tuned for the theme of the 2025 edition! We look forward to welcoming you in this new space – a space of innovation, collaboration and future-oriented thinking.

"If you are a startup working on anything related to Brain Health, I think you shouldn't skip the Brain Innovation Days."
"As an academic, Brain Innovation Days offered me the opportunity to be active at the very 'battlefield' of innovation and to think outside of the box."

2024 Partners

2024 Sponsors




2024 Knowledge Partners

Become a Sponsor

Are you a company, funder/investor or start-up interested in supporting the Brain Innovation Days?

A number of sponsorship packages and add-on perks are available to choose from, including access to the programme, customised online content, exposure for your company/organisation and more.

Contact the team:

Latest News

Discover the Early Programme

The 2024 programme is unfolding — take a look! Will you be joining us in Brussels on 13-14 November 2024 for two full days of high-level brain innovation? Under the theme Navigaing the...

Key Takeaways from Our Speakers

Geert Dom

President, European Psychiatric Association
"We need so much more research to understand the brain functioning."

Tasia Asakawa

Executive Director, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies
“Investment in basic neuroscience research is critical for driving innovation, across sectors including psychiatry, neurology, technology.”

Elena Moro

President, European Academy of Neurology
“We are working together for the same objective: to protect and to preserve the brain. So, this is the reason we have to think big.”

Shiva Dustdar

Director and Head of EIB Institute, European Investment Bank
“What is a political priority now? To ensure that more of the research done in Europe is translated into innovation and marketable solutions.”

Pavel Balabanov

Head of Therapies for Neurological & Psychiatric Disorders, European Medicines Agency
“Collaborating with the regulators, from all areas, is crucial in order to make sure that we provide the necessary collaborative effort to translate innovation to health outcomes and new solutions for patients.”

Francesco Trovato

CEO, Paperbox
"The Brain Innovation Days here in Bruxelles are crucial not only to meet new and interesting people but also to set up to a European level in your mind."

Organisations and companies featured in 2023

Brain Innovation Days in Numbers

DNA white (1)

6 events so far –
digital & on-site

hands white

Over 1400 
attendees so far

neuron white

180 speakers in the field of brain research

85 countries

synergies white

Countless connections made

STAY in touch


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